Mittwoch, 26. Dezember 2012

Batman Mask of the Phantasm

USA 1993
Eric Radomski, Bruce W. Timm 
Mytery, Drama, Action, Super Hero

......It's Batman, come on watch it without preview....

Ok I watched this because it has Mr.J in it. And as you know I am obsessed with Mista J. But really it's a sweet movie. Bruce Wayne in love is very rare, but if you see it, you begin to like it. He's human after all <.<  The Joker was funny as ever, I was crying like hell, and it's december the 25th. Sadly no Harley, but even without my fav villians; this movie was great to watch, and hell I was two years old, when they aired it! FUCK!


Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012

Twilight Breaking Dawn 2

Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
USA 2012
115 Minutes

The last part of the 'Vampire-Saga' by Stephanie Meyer. Bella and Edward need to convince the Volturi, that Renesmee; their daughter isn't an immortal child (because in the world of Vampires that is forbidden <.<)

All right, here goes nothing: I actually never liked Twilight, because the story was just 'uuusgh'. It as a good idea but they destroyed it by making Vampires starkle and by overdoing things a lot. 
Me and my girlfriend (poor thing, I made her watch the german premiere) watched the last part, because of my strange-obsession- Kristen-Stewart-thing. And we actually liked it. If you see it not as part of five movies, but as a movie alone, it was really epic and fun to watch. The actors did their best, which you can see every second. It was funny sometimes, dramatic and the end was really surprising (I didn't read the book folks!) and GREAT! It was epic in its own Twilight-way. I loved it! So even if you don't like Twilight, watch it! Its worth it!