Donnerstag, 8. November 2012

Screw me and my anime-obsession. But I've gotta show you this piece of....trashy-sexy-work


Minari Endou
24 Episodes (two seasons) a 23 Minutes

Miyamae Kanako, a hot-blooded lesbian turns to the Ame no Kisaki- Girls School, where she tries to find her true love just like her perents, who died, long ago.
On her first day, she founds two beautiful girls, breaks out in nosebleed. Unforunally one of the girls,named Mariya is actually a boy. And so the love story or the...bully-story begins?

Actually Maria Holic is a parody of other animes. But it has it's own, uniqe story. It's brutal, sexy, funny and just magnificant! Really you should try, the summary gives you a fals picture of the story. It's great- this anime will blow your mind!
I am a

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